Essays and articles

Papers, essays and articles on circus arts

About 500 essays, historical pieces, reports, show reviews:
Circo (Italy)
, Juggling (Italy), In Cammino (Italy), Organ Show-Business (Germany), Cirque dans l’Univers (France), Circus Zeitung (Germany), King Pole (UK), Circus Report (USA), De Piste (Holland), Cirkulara Notiser (Sweden), Cirque (Switzerland), Cirkolika (Spain), Spectacle Magazine (Usa), Arts de La Piste (France) and more.

Essays on Italian theatre magazines and journals: "Primafila", Histrio", "Il Sole 24 Ore Cultura" a.o.

Editorial positions

1986-92 Italian correspondent for "Organ Show Business" (Germany),
Europe's paper of variety ans circus corporation.

1995-1998: chief editor for italian monthly magazine “Circo” .

1994-1999: international correspondant for “Il Giornale dello Spettacolo”,
Italy's movie and performing arts corporate weekly "bible".

1996-97: associate editor for "Bianco e Nero", Italy's oldest movie research journal,
published by Scuola Nazionale di Cinema.

2000-2010: international correspondant for RadioTre Suite,
Italy's leading radio program of culrure and performing arts.


Circopedia and other media

Raffaele De Ritis is a main contributor to CIRCOPEDIA, the leading online project on circus history, voted the world's best circus-temed site in 2015.

In 2006 he created NOVELTIES AND WONDERS , one of the very first and world's more influencing blogs on rediscovering past and inusual aspects and characters of circus-related arts.


Book introductions and dictionaries

Introductions to books of Raul Cremona, Christian Chelman, Paolo Stratta.

Magic, circus and music-hall various entries for
“Dizionario dello Spettacolo del Novecento”, Baldini & Castoldi, Milano, 2001, Italy.

Entry “Circo” for Enciclopedia delle Arti “Le Muse” De Agostini, 2005). Italy.