Big Apple Circus
"Directed by Raffaele De Ritis, best known to circusgoing New Yorkers
as the creator of the unforgettable Barnum's Kaleidoscape of 2000,
''Carnevale'' again does Mr. De Ritis credit".
Lawrence Van Gelder, The New York Times
“Carnevale!” 26th edition
Director and writer Raffaele De Ritis
Co-written with Michael Christensen
Produced by Paul Binder
Set design Dan Kuchar
Costumes Mirena Rada
Coreographer Jonathan Stuart Cerullo
Original music by Arturo O'Farrill
Musical director Rob Slowik
New York Lincoln Center and U.S.Tour
New York Times review
“Dreams of a City” 25th edition
Associate director Raffaele De Ritis
(show director Michel Barette)
New York Lincoln Center and U.S. Tour